About CamPo
CamPo seeks to promote mobility and collaboration between student and staff researchers, through three calls for proposals, of which this is the first. Proposals are invited broadly across the humanities and social sciences, but at least 50% of funded activity will support development in one or more of the following specific areas:
- research seminars and scoping workshops;
- pilot or small scale collaborative projects;
- short-term visits by faculty;
- short-term hosting of visiting professors;
- mid-term PhD student exchanges.
CamPo welcomes applications in a broad range of enquiry. More specifically, and not exclusive to the above, CamPo encourages activities to develop cooperation in European political economy and public policy; and history and international relations, with the intention of developing CamPo as a research hub for these areas of enquiry.
Projects would be expected to deliver, or show demonstrable progress towards a range of academic publications and public policy contributions stemming from the various research collaboration efforts; successful follow-on applications for large scale research funding that includes Cambridge and Sciences Po as leading members of a wider consortium or as co-investigators; a sustainable Anglo-French collaborative relationship in their specific area.
Proposals including ambitions for inter-institutional collaboration on postgraduate and postdoctoral training programmes, e.g. joint seminars, co-supervision or collaborative opportunities, would be welcomed as these are important elements of hub development
Case studies of previous successful CamPo projects can be found here.
CamPo provides a framework for joint forms of educational innovation that can be replicated in other fields and elsewhere across Cambridge University.
CamPo is currently an integral part of Cambridge University’s internationalization strategy. In a post-Brexit environment, such close educational and research-based collaborations with leading European universities will become crucial conduits of shared knowledge and expertise. They will provide pathways for Cambridge University to access the wider European higher education environment.
Further enquiries about can be made to campo@admin.cam.ac.uk.