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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)

Interested researchers are invited to discuss their ideas with either Professor Christopher Bickerton (UCAM), or Professor Colin Hay (Sciences Po)


CamPo projects should be aligned with the following criteria for success:

  • A range of academic publications and public policy contributions stemming from the various research collaboration efforts
  • Successful follow-on applications for large scale research funding that includes Cambridge and Sciences Po as leading members of a wider consortium or as co-investigators
  • A sustainable Anglo-French collaborative relationship in their specific area

All other things being equal, the Managers expect that at least 25% of funded activity will be targeted to develop cooperation in European political economy and public policy; and at least 25% in history and international relations, with the intention of developing CamPo as a research hub for these areas of enquiry.

Each proposal may be submitted by either the Cambridge or Sciences Po partner, but must have partners from both institutions in all cases.


a.  Selection process and criteria

Applicants should provide the following documentation of up to two A4 pages in PDF format:

  •  Provide a project description which includes the intellectual rationale, objectives, plan of activities and outline budget in no more than 1,000 words (excluding budget);
  •  Include CVs for the main applicants from both institutions (up to two pages each);
  •  For projects in which a visit is foreseen, include an agreement letter of support on behalf of the Director of the concerned research unit or relevant Head of Department/Faculty is required.

A committee comprising Sciences Po and Cambridge members will jointly determine which projects will be funded.

Proposals must be submitted via the online application form.


b.  Funding available:

£15k is available for projects that can be completed by December 2024.

  • Eligible costs include:
    • Accommodation and travel
    • Direct costs of conferences, workshops and seminars for Cambridge and Sciences Po colleagues
    • Direct costs of research projects (including research assistance


  • Ineligible costs:
    • Salaries of tenured staff, other stipends and indirect costs
    • Accommodation and travel for external delegates to conferences, workshops, seminars


Applicants are welcome to pledge match-funding of their own in order to maximise scale, and/or to seek additional support through external funding.

All expenditure must be processed by Friday 1 December 2024.


c.  Eligibility

For Cambridge applicants:

Applications are invited from researchers active in the arts, humanities and social sciences who hold a contract of employment with either the University or the Colleges (i.e. CTO, JRF and postdocs are eligible, but not visiting or affiliated researchers). Emeritus staff are not eligible to apply.

Awards may only be held via a Faculty or Department. Staff applying from a College or other independent institution will be asked to indicate in their application which Faculty or Department they are affiliated to.

For Sciences Po applicants:

Applications are invited from the permanent faculty staff of Sciences Po, i.e. researchers from the CNRS or the FNSP, university professors and readers, and FNSP assistant, associate or full professors for all supported activities. Postdocs are also eligible. Emeritus staff are not eligible to apply.


d.  Reporting

As a condition of the award, each awardee will be asked to provide a brief report on the outcomes of the project and the extent to which the specific aims/outputs have been achieved, along with a statement of expenditure. A report template will be provided with the notification of award.

Reports are due within thirty days of the end-date proposed in the original application.