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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)


Professor Jude Browne

Head of the Department of Politics and International Studies

The Jessica and Peter Frankopan Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies

Jude Browne is also a Fellow and Director of Studies for Human, Social and Political Sciences (Part II) at King's College, Cambridge. 

She is the inaugural winner of the Aaron Rapport Prize, POLIS and a winner of the University of Cambridge Pilkington Prize

Her research interests are in political theories of equality, feminist theory, political responsibility, public interest, public policy, structural injustice, rights, and the impact of technology on society.


Useful Links                                                                                             

Listen to Jude Browne on 'Rethinking Responsibility':

on the BBC Rethink Podcast- available on BBC Sounds

Watch Jude Browne on 'AI and Political Responsibility'

at the 2024 Alan Turing Lecture

Watch the video on YouTube




Browne, J. (2024) Political Responsibility & Tech GovernanceCambridge University Press.

Browne, J. and McKeown, M. (Ed) (2024) What is Structural Injustice? Oxford University Press.

Browne, J. Cave, S., Drage, E. & McInerney, K. (Ed) (2023) Feminist AI: Critical Perspectives on Algorithms, Data, and Intelligent Machines. Oxford University Press.

Browne, J. (2021) (Ed) Why Gender? Cambridge University Press.

Browne, J. (2013) (Ed) Dialogue, Politics and Gender. Cambridge University Press.

Browne, J. (2007) (Ed) The Future of Gender. Cambridge University Press.

Browne, J. (2006) Sex Inequality and Sex Segregation in the Modern Labour Market. The Policy Press. 


Articles & Book Chapters:

Browne, J. (2024) ‘Structural Injustice and the Regulatory Public Body Landscape’ in Virginia Mantouvalou and Jonathan Wolff (Ed) Structural Injustice and the Law. UCL Press.

Browne, J, Drage, E. & McInerney, K. (2024)  Understanding Tech Workers’ Perspectives on Ethical Issues in AI Development. Big Data and SocietyVolume 11, Issue 1, March 2024. Early View:

Browne, J with Drage, E & McInerney, K (2024) Engineers on responsibility: feminist approaches to who's responsible for ethical AI. Ethics and Information Technology  26 (1): pp. 1-13

Browne, J. (2024)The Untraceability of Structural Injustice’ in Jude Browne and Maeve McKeown (Ed) What is Structural Injustice? Oxford University Press. pp. 85-106

Browne, J., and McKeown, M. (2024) What is Structural Injustice? in Jude Browne and Maeve McKeown (Ed) What is Structural Injustice? Oxford University Press. pp. 1-11

Browne, J. (2024) Political implications of the 'untraceability' of structural injustice. Contemporary Political Theory.  Vol.23. pp. 43-65

Browne, J. (2023) ‘AI & Structural Injustice: A Feminist Perspective’ in Jude Browne, Steven Cave, Eleanor Drage & Kerry McInerney. (Eds) Feminist AI: Critical Perspectives on Algorithms, Data, and Intelligent MachinesOxford University Press. pp 328-346.

Browne, J., Cave, S., Drage, E. and McInerney, K. (2023) ‘Feminist AI’ in Jude Browne, Steven Cave, Eleanor Drage & Kerry McInerney. (Eds) Feminist AI: Critical Perspectives on Algorithms, Data, and Intelligent Machines. Oxford University Press. pp xii-xxi.

Browne, J. (2022) 'Rethinking Responsibility' in Amol Rajan (Ed.) Rethink: Leading voices on life after crisis and how to make a better world.  BBC Books/Penguin. pp.  200-205

Browne, J. (2020). 'The Regulatory Gift: Politics, Regulation and Governance' Regulation and Governance. Vol 14, Issue 2, pp. 165-388. 

Browne, J. (2018). 'Technology, Fertility and Public Policy: A Structural Perspective on Human Egg Freezing and Gender Equality' Social Politics:  Vol 25, Issue 2, pp. 149–168. (Editor's Choice)

Browne, J. (2014). 'The Critical Mass Marker Approach: Female Quotas and Social Justice', Political Studies. Vol. 62, Issue 4. pp. 862-877. 

Browne, J. (2014). 'The UK Government's Refutation of EU COM 614: An Analysis' in Romanowski, A., Bosek, L., and Makowicz, B. (eds) Gender Quotas. Warsaw: Sejm Government Publishing House. pp. 169-181. (Also translated into Polish and German by the Bureau of Research, Chancellery of the Polish Sejm).

Browne, J. (2014). 'The Corporate Father' in Inhorn, Marcia. C, Wendy Chavkin, and Jose-Alberto Navarro (eds) Globalized Fatherhood. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 31-52

Browne, J. (2013). 'The Default Model: Gender Equality and Structural Constraint', Politics & Gender. (APSA).Vol 9, Issue 02. pp. 152-173.

Browne, J. (2013). 'O'Neill and the Political Turn Against Human Rights'. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. Vol 26, Issue 4. pp. 291-304.

Browne, J. (2013). 'Dialogue, Politics and Gender' in J. Browne (ed.) Dialogue, Politics and Gender. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-13.

Browne, J., and Morales, H. (2010) (eds.) 'Gender Controversies' Constellations, Vol. 17, No. 3.

Browne, J. (2007) Introduction in J. Browne (ed) The Future of Gender. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-15.

Browne, J. (2007). 'The Equal Treatment Principle and Gender' in J. Browne (ed.) The Future of Gender. Cambridge University Press.  pp. 250-279.

Browne, J. (2006). Sex Inequality and Sex Segregation in the Modern Labour Market.  The Policy Press. 

Browne, J. (2006). 'Gender Inequality'; 'Segregation'; 'Corporate Ethics,' in M. Bevir (ed.), Sage Encyclopaedia of Governance. London: Sage.

Browne, J. and Stears, M. (2005). 'Capabilities, Resources, and Systematic Injustice: a case of gender inequality' Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 355-373

Browne, J., Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2005). 'Capabilities, Social Rights and European Market Integration' in R. Salais and R. Villeneuve (eds.), Europe and the Politics of Capabilities.  Cambridge University Press. pp. 205-221.

Browne, J. (2004). 'Resolving Gender Pay Inequality? Rationales, Enforcement and Policy' Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 553- 571.

Browne, J. with Deakin, S. (2003). 'Social Rights and Market Order: Adapting the Capability Approach' in T. Hervey and J. Kenner (eds.), Economic and Social Rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Legal Perspective. Oxford: Hart. pp. 27- 44.

Browne, J., Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., and Potton, M. (2003). The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany: V 1. An International Report. London: Anglo-German Fund. (34 pages)

Browne, J., Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., and Potton, M. (2003). The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany: V 2. An International Report. London:  Anglo-German Fund. (36 pages)

Browne, J., Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., and Potton, M. (2003). The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany: V 3. An International Report. London: Anglo-German Fund. (33 pages)

Browne, J., Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., and Potton, M. (2003). The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany: V 4. An International Report. London: Anglo-German Fund. (34 pages)

Browne, J., (2002) "Gender Pay Inequity: a question for corporate social responsibility?", ESRC Centre for Business Research WPS. No. 251. Cambridge University. pp.1-19

Browne, J., Blackburn, R., and Brookes, B., Jarman, J. (2002). 'Explaining Gender Segregation' British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 513-36