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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)

Second Year Students

In the second year, HSPS students are required to take POL3 and POL4 and choose between POL7 and POL8. A final paper is then chosen from the available options in HSPS. History and Politics students take either POL3 or POL4, and a long essay paper (HP2) which draws upon the questions for POL5. History and Politics students also take the History of Political Thought paper as part of their History Faculty offerings.

Paper Guides 2023-24

POL3: International Organisation

POL4: Comparative Politics

POL5: Themes and Issues in Politics and International Relations

POL6: Statistics and Methods in Politics and International Relations

POL7: The History of Political Thought to c.1700

POL8: The History of Political Thought from c.1700 to c.1890

Joint Tracks

Politics and Sociology

  • For any questions about this joint track, contact
  • You will have a choice of papers from Politics. These include POL3 or POL4 and POL7 or POL8. You are then required to take SOC2, SOC3 or SOC5.
  • More information on the Sociology papers can be found on their website.

Social Anthropology and Politics

  • is the administrator for this joint track.
  • You will have a choice of papers from Politics. These include POL3 or POL4 and POL7 or POL8. You will take SAN2 and one paper chosen from SAN3, SAN4, or SAN7-15.
  • More information on the Social Anthropology papers and this joint track can be found on their website.

Student Guides

  • Guide to supervisions - This document gives you a sense of what to expect from supervisions, and guidance on essay writing in Politics & International Relations.
  • Options guide for students entering their third year in 2024-25.


Other Useful Information