1. What is the Carers Fund?
We recognise that parents with young children, or those with caring responsibilities, can find it very difficult to take opportunities to attend seminars or present work at conferences, yet these are important things to do for research, teaching and career development, and to foster networking and collaboration opportunities. The Department of Politics and International Studies is now offering discretionary funds of up to £250 (per event) to help towards increased childcare costs resulting from such activities.
2. The Carers Fund is for:
All members of staff and graduate students, particularly those in the early stages of their career, who are attending conferences, seminars and courses.
3. Eligibility
To be eligible to apply to the fund, the following criteria must all be met:
- The applicant must be a current member of staff or graduate student (see item 2).
- The applicant must check and confirm that the event does not provide free childcare.
- Applicants are asked to acknowledge this funding in any presentations, or other documentation.
4. How to apply
If you would like to apply for funding please complete the application form. Please note that if the application is successful, receipts will be required as proof of costs incurred.
5. Support of Head of Department / Supervisor
Applicants are asked to obtain the signature of their Line Manager, Head of Department or Supervisor, to approve that they are happy for you to attend the event, then pass to the POLIS Business and Operations Manager for Departmental approval administrator@polis.cam.ac.uk
6. FAQs
- Can I use the fund to attend a university talk or event rather than a conference?
Yes you can
- A friend/family member babysits during these instances, can I invoice the department for their time?
Unfortunately no, we require the carer cost to be invoiced by an accredited caring business or person(s)
- Can I use this fund if I have no caring responsibilities, but need extra funding to attend a conference?
No. This fund is only for those with caring responsibilities. If you are a student who is struggling with funding for a conference, please contact your programme administrator.
7. Further information
If you have any further questions, please contact administrator@polis.cam.ac.uk