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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)


Mette's research focuses broadly on international organization, international security, institutional design and the role of non-state actors in global governance.

Her specific topics of interest are the ecology of international organizations, international arms control and disarmament, and transnational environmental advocacy. 


Key publications: 


▪ (2024) "Climate Activism, Digital Technologies, and Organisational Change", (with Nina Hall). Cambridge University Press (Elements: Organisational responses to Climate Change) (available online November 2024).

▪ (2024) “Accountability in Densely Institutionalized Governance Spaces”, (w. S. Hofmann). Global Policy.

▪ (2024) “To Reform or to Replace. Succession as a mechanism of institutional change in intergovernmental organizations”, (w. D. Verdier). The Review of International Organizations.

▪ (2023) “The Instability of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Complex”, Review of International Political Economy (iFirst).

▪ (2023) “Issue-Adoption and Campaign Structure in Transnational Advocacy Campaigns. A Longitudinal Network Analysis”, (with L. Breen). European Journal of International Relations. Online First, March 2023. DOI: 10.1177/13540661231158553

▪ (2022) “The Anachronism of Bellicist State-Building”, Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 29, issue 12, pp. 1901-1915.

▪ (2022) Vigilantes beyond Borders. NGOs as Enforcers of International Law (w. JC Sharman) Princeton University Press.

▪ (2022) “The OSCE in Crisis. Five Lessons from the League of Nations”, OSCE Insights 3/2022 (Baden-Baden: Nomos), pp. 1-14.

▪ (2022) “Ordering Global Governance Complexes. The Evolution of the Governance Complex for International Civil Aviation", The Review of International Organizations, vol. 17, pp. 293-322. 

▪ (2022) "The Global Governance Complexity Cube: Varieties of Institutional Complexity in Global Governance", (w. O. Westerwinter), Review of International Organizations, vol. 17, pp. 233-262.

▪ (2021) “Re-bordering Europe? Collective Action Barriers to 'Fortress Europe'", Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 28, pp. 447-467.

▪ (2021) “What Kills International Organisations? When and Why Intergovernmental Organisations Terminate”, European Journal of International Relations, vol. 27, Issue 1

▪ (2021) “Enforcers Beyond Borders: Transnational NGOs and the Enforcement of International Law", (w. JC Sharman), Perspectives on Politics, vol. 19, issue 1, pp. 131-147.

▪ (2020) “Death of international organizations. The organizational ecology of intergovernmental organizations, 1815-2015". Review of International Organizations, vol. 15, pp. 339–370.

▪ (2020) “Of the Contemporary Global Order, Crisis, and Change”, (w. SC Hofmann) Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 27, issue 7, pp. 1077-1089.

▪ (2019) “Competition and strategic differentiation among transnational advocacy groups”, Interest Groups and Advocacy, vol. 8, pp. 376-406.

▪ (2018) “Why the World Needs an International Cyberwar Convention", Philosophy and Technology, vol. 31, 379-407.

▪ (2018) “Hierarchy among NGOs: Authority and influence in global civil society", International Politics Reviews2, vol. 6, pp. 99-106. 

▪ (2016) “Power and Purpose in Transgovernmental Networks: Insights from the Global Nonproliferation Regime”. In The New Power Politics: Networks and Transnational Security Governance, eds. D Avant and O Westerwinter (Oxford University Press).

▪ (2016) “Global Governance Networks”. In Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, eds. JN Victor, AH Montgomery and M Lubell (Oxford University Press, 2016).

▪ (2014) “From Advocacy to Confrontation: Direct Enforcement by Environmental NGOs”, (w. Teale Phelps-Bondaroff) International Studies Quarterly, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 348-361.

▪ (2014) “Europe's Defence Dilemma”, International Spectator, vol. 49, no. 2.

▪ (2014) “Informal Cooperation beyond the Alliance”. In NATO’s Post-Cold War Politics. The Changing Provision of Security. Ed. S Mayer (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 269-288.

▪ (2014) “Network theory and security governance”, In Handbook of Governance and Security. Ed. J Sperling (Edward Elgar, 2014), pp. 41-62.

▪ (2014) “Weapons Proliferation: regimes and networks in international governance”, International Relations: Continuity and Change in Global Politics. Eds. W Brown, O Corry and A Czajka (Open University).

▪ (2009) “Varieties of Cooperation: Government Networks in International Security", In M Kahler, ed., Networked Politics: Agency, Power, and Governance (Cornell University Press), pp. 194-227.

▪ (2009) "The End of Balance-of-Power Theory?", European Journal or International Relations, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 347-380.

▪ (2008) “Assessing the Dangers of Illicit Networks: Why al-Qaida May Be Less Threatening Than Many Think", International Security, vol 33, no. 2, pp. 7-44.

▪ (2008) “Uneven Power and the Pursuit of Peace: How Regional Power Transition Promotes Integration", Journal of Comparative European Politics, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 102-142.

▪ (2006) BOOK: Debates on European Integration. The European Union Series (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. i-505.

▪ (2005) “European Integration as a Solution to War", (w. D Verdier). European Journal of International Relations, vol. 11, issue 1.

▪ (2005) “Transnational Networks and New Security Threats”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 18, issue 1. 

▪ (2003) “Why a Common Foreign and Security Policy is Bad for Europe”, Survival, vol. 45, issue 4.


Mette's Google Scholar profile

Mette's profile

Teaching and Supervisions


Mette teaches courses in international organization at both graduate and undergraduate level. She currently teaches two MPhil courses on ‘The Crisis of Multilateralism’ and ‘Transnational Authority in World Politics’. She supervises undergraduate, MPhil and PhD theses on various aspects of international relations theory with a particular focus on the design and functioning of international institutions and organizations, international security, transnational advocacy, international arms control and the history and theory of European integration,

Mette is Director of Studies in Human, Social and Political Sciences (HSPS) and Politics and History at Sidney Sussex College.

Director of the Mst in International Relations
University Teaching Officer
Fellow, Sidney Sussex College
Director of Studies Sidney Sussex College

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