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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)


Dr Hussin's research and teaching are in the areas of comparative politics, Islam and Muslim politics, law and society and religion and politics. Her work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and the European Commission (Horizon2020). She holds a PhD from the University of Washington, an MA from Georgetown University and an AM and AB from Harvard University. Prior to joining POLIS, she was a member of the faculty in Political Science at the University of Chicago. Her recent book, The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority and the Making of the Muslim State (University of Chicago Press 2016), explored the construction of Islamic law in colonial India, Malaya and Egypt. 

Current research projects include a manuscript on the travels of law across the Indian Ocean arena (forthcoming) and collaborative projects on Internet fatwa, as well as on challenges to liberal governance in Southeast Asia (Horizon2020 2017-2020).  Dr Hussin is PI of ‘Unboxing Skeat,’ a collaborative project connecting Malaya collections across the University through multi-disciplinary research and networks of access within Southeast Asia.

She is a General Editor of  the Cambridge University Press series Asian Connections, on the Editorial Boards of Indonesia and the Malay WorldBijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde /Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia (BKI), and the International Books Board of Law and Social Inquiry. She is Associate Research Fellow at the Joint Centre for History and Economics, and a member of the Faculty in World History at Cambridge.

Dr Hussin supervises students in comparative politics, religion and politics, law and society, colonial and postcolonial politics and history. 


Mohamed Noah Fellow, Pembroke College


Key publications: 


  • The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority and the Making of the Muslim State. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2016)



  • “The New Global Politics of Religion: Religious Harmony, Public Order, and Securitisation in the Post-colony,” Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 4:1 (2018).
  • “Citing Gender: Constituting the Muslim woman in Malaysia,” Cultural and Social History, 4:4 (2017), 1-13.
  • “Making Legibility Between Colony and Empire: Translation, Conflation, and the Making of the Muslim State,” in The Many Hands of the State, ed. Ann Orloff and Kimberly Morgan. New York: Cambridge University Press 2017. 349-368. (19 pages /412)
  • “Circulations of Law: Cosmopolitan Elites, Global Repertoires, Local Vernaculars,” Law and History Review 32:4 (2014), 773-795.
  • “Misreading and Mobility in Constitutional Texts: A Nineteenth Century Case,” Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 21:1 (2014), 145-158.
  • “Textual Trajectories: Re-reading the Majalah and Constitution in 1890s Johor,” Indonesia and the Malay World 41:120 (2013): 1-19.
  •  "Revelation and Redemption: Colonial Precedents for the Politics of Islam in India and Malaysia," in The Everyday Life of the State: A State-in-Society Approach, ed. Adam White (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012), 142-159.
  • "The Pursuit of the Perak Regalia: Law and the Making of the Colonial State," Law and Social Inquiry 32:3 (2007), 759-788.



The Immanent Frame, Social Science Research Council:

Unboxing Skeat:


Associate Professor of Asian Politics
University Teaching Officer
Fellow, Pembroke College
Mohamed Noah Fellow
Dr Iza  Hussin

Contact Details