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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)


Judging Politics and Economics from the Global South - Professor Lawrence Hamilton

What is good political and economic judgement? What enables good political judgement amongst citizens and their representatives? How do citizens most effectively judge and hold to account their rulers and their decisions? How could citizens be better involved in the economic and political judgement of their representatives? How could states of the global South hold those of the global North to account more effectively? Can good political judgement empower ordinary citizens and weaker states? Using global political and economic history, and political theory, intellectual history and political economy from and about the global South, this course provides students with the historical and theoretical tools to understand, interrogate and answer these questions. With particular reference to ideas and conditions in India, South Africa and Brazil, and three crucial political and economic imperatives that face all of us everywhere – crisis, credibility and climate change – it brings out what constitutes good and bad political judgement in the face of them and why.