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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)

College: Wolfson College


My PhD research focuses on Simone de Beauvoir’s feminist philosophy and political thought. I am most interested in the genealogical development of Beauvoir’s concept of situation during the 1940s, considering that its critical strength increased in Beauvoir’s works to the extent that it became one of the fundamental components of The Second Sex’s feminist philosophy. I address the different moments where Beauvoir’s concept of situation developed, in their respective textual, autobiographical and historical dimensions. The genealogical approach aims to disentangle Beauvoir’s tension between the metaphysical and the material dimensions of existence. Regarding this, I consider the emergence of a historical consciousness in Beauvoir’s reflection on situation, which is linked to her original appropriation of Marxism and the outbreak of WWII.  



History of Feminist Political Thought, Feminist Critical Theory, History of Western Political Thought



Key publications: 

Ceschi, A., ‘Dall’Antropologia all’«ontologia critica di noi stessi»: l’eredità kantiana in Foucault attraverso le figure di Heidegger e Nietzsche’, Materiali Foucaultiani, vol. VII, no. 13-14, 2018, pp. 273-288.

Thesis Title: The Concept of Situation in Simone de Beauvoir
Supervisor: Dr Sylvana Tomaselli

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